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Internal Revenue Service disaster support

IRS Help During Disasters

We know that major disasters and emergencies in your area will affect many families and businesses. While we hope you are spared any loss, we realize this may not be true for everyone, and we want to let you know how the IRS can help.

Tax Topic 515 – Casualty, Disaster, and Theft Losses

Casualty losses can result from the destruction of or damage to your property from any sudden, unexpected, and unusual event such as a flood, hurricane, tornado, fire, earthquake or even volcanic eruption.

Disaster Assistance Self-Study

The Disaster Assistance Self-Study provides the basic information needed to assist taxpayers in a disaster. It provides the volunteer practitioner disaster representative member with information on distributing Disaster Kits, computing gains/losses as the result of a disaster, information about administrative tax relief and information about the psychological effects of a disaster on its victims.

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